【特定活動(出国準備)からの変更】 ネパール国籍 Rさん

(July, 2024)
When I was having trouble renewing my visa, I was introduced to Mr. Yoshida.
When I was having trouble renewing my visa, a local acquaintance introduced me to Mr. Yoshida, an administrative scrivener.
I am very happy that I can continue to work in Japan with peace of mind now that I have been granted permission to change my visa, so thank you very much.
I would like to ask for your help the next time I renew my visa.
From Lawyer
I think it was difficult to follow the advice of the immigration bureau and look for a new company when I only had 31 days to prepare for departure.
Even in such a situation, I was able to find a company that accepted me even within a short period of time thanks to Mr. R’s wide range of faces, connections, and high level of ability, which made me very happy.
The company president was also very cooperative and spoke to me in detail about the nature of my work.
I was very happy when I received the permission safely.If you have any problems in the future, please feel free to contact me.